- Posted: 5:08 PM
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- Author: Jayson Pagan
This Blog is a synopsis of quotation from an incredible MUST READ ARTICLE FOR ALL MINISTRY entitled, "The Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear" by Charles H. Spurgeon. The article is lengthy; hence, I have shortened it by personally extracting the most pertinent points. The entire article can be found at . Enjoy!
Having often said in this room that a minister ought to have one blind eye and one deaf ear, I have excited the curiosity of several brethren, who have requested an explanation; for it appears to them, as it does also to me, that the keener eyes and ears we have the better. Well, gentlemen, since the text is somewhat mysterious, you shall have the exegesis of it.
Ecclesiastes (7:21): "Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee."
Do not take them to heart or let them weigh with you, do not notice them, or act as if you heard them.
Tacitus describes a wise man as saying to one that railed at him,

However, I added, that all the past had gone away with my predecessors, that he must follow them to their new spheres, and settle matters with them, for I would not touch the affair with a pair of tongs.
Know nothing of parties and cliques, but be the pastor of all t
he flock, and care for all alike. Blessed are the peacemakers, and one sure way of peacemaking is to let the fire of contention alone. Neither fan it, nor stir it, nor add fuel to it, but let it go out of itself. Begin your ministry with one blind eye and one deaf ear.
The blind eye and the deaf ear will come in exceedingly well in connection with the gossips of the place. Every church, and, for the matter of that, every village and family, is plagued with certain Mrs. Grundys who drink tea and talk vitriol.
There are also certain persons who are never so happy as when they are "grieved to the heart" to have to tell the minister that Mr. A. is a snake in the grass, that he is quite mistaken in thinking so well of Messrs. B. and C., and that they have heard quite "promiscuously" that Mr. D. and his wife are badly matched. Then follows a long string about Mrs. E., who says that she and Mrs. F. overheard Mrs. G. say to Mrs. H. that Mrs. J. should say that Mr. K. and Miss L. were going to move from the chapel and hear Mr. M., and all because of what old N. said to young O. about that Miss P. Never listen to such people. Do as Nelson did when he put his blind eye to the telescope and declared that he did not see the signal [to retreat], and therefore would go on with the battle. Let the creatures buzz, and do not even hear them, unless indeed they buzz so much concerning one person that the matter threatens to be serious; then it will be well to bring them to book and talk in sober earnestness to them.
"Thin-skinned persons should learn this motto by heart. The talk of the village is never worthy of notice…”
Above all, never join in tale-bearing yourself, and beg your wife to abstain from it also.
Avoid with your whole soul that spirit of suspicion which sours some men's lives, and to all things from which you might harshly draw an unkind inference turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. Suspicion makes a man a torment to himself and a spy towards others. Once begin to suspect, and causes for distrust will multiply around you, and your very suspiciousness will create the major part of them. Many a friend has been transformed into an enemy by being suspected. Do not, therefore, look about you with the eyes of mistrust, nor listen as an eaves-dropper with the quick ear of fear.
When nothing is to be discovered which will help us to love others, we had better cease from the enquiry,…”
I am not, of course, referring to cases requiring discipline which must be thoroughly investigated and boldly dealt with, but I have upon my mind mere personal matters where the main sufferer is yourself; here it is always best not to know, nor wish to know, what is being said about you, either by friends or foes. Those who praise us are probably as much mistaken as those who abuse us, and the one may be regarded as a set off to the other, if indeed it be worthwhile taking any account at all of man's judgment.
You must be able to bear criticism, or you are not fit to be at the head of a congregation; and you must let the critic go without reckoning him among your deadly foes, or you will prove yourself a mere weakling.
It is wisest always to show double kindness where you have been severely handled by one of who thought it his duty to do so, for he is probably an honest man and worth winning. He who in your early days hardly thinks you fit for the pastorate may yet become your firmest defender if he sees that you grow in grace, and advance in qualification for the work; do not, therefore, regard him as a foe for truthfully expressing his doubts; does not your own heart confess that his fears were not altogether groundless?
Never make a brother remember that he once uttered ahard speech in reference to yourself.
Pride is a deadly sin, and will grow without your borrowing the parish water-cart to quicken it.

The Teachable Spirit
- Posted: 12:35 AM
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- Author: Jayson Pagan
Matthew 11:29
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me…”
The very nature of God is that of the great teacher. In the very beginning He created an immense earth with a very overwhelming place of dwelling for his most beloved creation: man. He then proceeded to show man all that he had made for him. He began the God-Man relationship with instruction, teaching, and guidance.
A new born baby is born into a world surrounded by knowledge, science, understanding, etc.; however, his mere birth does not fill him with this profuse supply of understanding. As he matures he must submit to the instruction of his parents and other influencers in this life to grow in earthly knowledge. Likewise, Christ says, “Take my yoke upon me…” and then he proceeds to say that there is more to this connection than just being yoked together with him. You must go on to “learn from me…”
David cried it out to the Spirit of God 16 times. “Teach me!” The attitude that cries “Teach me!” is essential to carry the anointing of God! But it is a hard confession!

The Word is riddled with God’s methods for teaching. God taught lessons through prayer, through His Word, and even used a donkey. There is, however, one consistent way which God chose to teach us. In the Old Testament the World declared the priest to be a “teaching priest”, Ezra stepped up and instructed the people in the “ways of the God of the land”. In the New Testament the Bible says God gave the church a faculty who were called to be “speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things.” (Eph. 4:15).
Ephesians 4;11-12
11And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
You can’t be truly teachable until you will hear the truth of God’s Word when it is spoken in love by the professors which God has chosen for the edification of the body of Christ. The ministry God has called must be ready to teach and preach the Word, and you must be ready to learn and have a “teach me” attitude!
God calls men to teach us. A brief study of Ephesians 4:11-15 will show you that without this ministry of called men in your life the following will occur:
Verse 12: Without them you cannot come unto the perfection God has called you and you will not be built up to withstand the enemy of your soul.
Verse 13: You cannot come into the unity of the faith, gain knowledge and understanding at the level God ordains for you.
Verse 14: You cannot gain maturity in spiritual matters, you will be unstable, and you will be open to deception to false doctrine.
1. A man who has a Bible that is falling apart, always has his life together. Make time for the Word. Read it with a readiness to learn from God. 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”
2. Find a pastor of a local congregation. Recognize that he is not called for your comfort, but to teach you. Lose the arrogance and pride. Understand that Submission is not tried or proven until you disagree and then still comply regardless. Hebrews 13:17 “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.”
3. Find a mentor who is wise in your pastor’s eyes. Curiosity is a virtue. Ask questions and learn to listen to the answers. Prov. 13:20 He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
4. Make the altar call the most important part of your church service. Fall on your knees and apply what was just preached to your life. Psalm 119:15 I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.

Complaints - Don't Waste The Good Whine!
- Posted: 5:17 PM
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- Author: Jayson Pagan
They exist. Complainers . They are part of the ministerial landscape - wherever you go. They will find a way to let you know they have been mistreated, what is taking place is just not fair, the price is too high, or it is just too hard to follow your leadership. They will come up with reasons for being upset, disillusioned, and disheartened that you never remotely considered. And you are called to lead these criticizers. The good news is, nobody complains about things they want to do!
All moving objects encounter resistance! Jesus encountered it daily and cutting edge leadership is no different. Great leaders are always embracing change and forward progression; the very nature of which is going to feel unfair to others who may be affected. I have learned that if I am addressing a group of 10 people, most likely, there will be at least one who will not like my words (or my tie)! Learn to expect complaints; do not avoid them, learn to deal with them and use them as opportunities to lead those you serve. Don't place a person's head on the chopping block just because they have a complaint; and, for the sake of your sanity, commit today to refuse to take complaints and criticisms personally. Learn to masterfully lead criticizers - even the greatest and most faithful saints will complain sooner or later! An empty church has no complainers!
Listening is difficult for most leaders; but is mastered by the greatest leaders. I am not yet one of those!! If you don't take time to listen to their words, look into their eyes, and try to empathize with what they are feeling, regardless of whether or not their complaint is justifiable, you will not be able to give a sincere, genuine, and heartfelt response.
The launching pad for discussing complainers must be set before we move forward. The bottom line is this: You exist to please God. You will never please everyone. You will never please any one person all of the time; however, YOU CAN PLEASE GOD. This is your goal.
As leaders, we must also learn how to please God in dealing with complainers and criticizers.
Do not respond "off the cuff". Let the complainer know you are going to pray and seek God about the situation at hand. You owe God's people spiritual leadership, nothing more and nothing less. Do not be intimidated into replying to them in a reactionary manner, but respond maturely. You can tell the maturity of a leader by how he responds to complainers and criticizers.
The natural response to criticizers and complainers is ANGER. If you determine today to respond to every complainer with emplathy and prayer, the emotional default reaction of anger will not be an option.
Complainers and criticizers have a very important place in your calling. They should drive you closer to God and cause you to become better in your leadership. If we are not careful, we can view them so negatively that they are a dread even to greet at church! Don't let that happen...take the upper hand.
You train complainers. You train them to push you around if you allow them to set your agenda. You train them to keep complaining or to learn to pray. You train them on what is acceptable and unacceptable. You train them on whether they will be allowed to call you at 11 p.m. or sit in your office for an hour every other week! You are their trainer - never forget that. It does go without saying that some complainers will never be taught boundaries - but they are few.
If complainers know they can exact your time, energy, and attention - they will. Time given to them should be quality; nevertheless, very short. Whatever you allow to distract you, will eventually drain you. If you train complainers to be your distraction, eventually - they will suck the life right out of you. Don't let the complainers have the time you need to be giving to the faithful laborers who are striving to do everything to see the Kingdom of God prosper!!
Some people were born crying - the Doctor never had to smack them to make it happen! They are born trouble-makers who just like to stir the pot until it boils over on the floor. Their happiness is hinged upon your unhappiness. These chronic complainers may change their complaints, but they will never change the time they spend complaining or the spirit with which it is done!
Titus 3:10 says, "Warn a divisive person once, and then warm him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him."
In my own words I say, dismiss his complaints several times, explaining to him the need for an excellent spirit. If he continues, dismiss him, not just his complaint. Don't give him ear. Let him sit in the pot he is stewing. Eventually, others who follow your leadership will also dismiss him as a "trouble-maker" as well - you won't have to tell them to do it. Wisdom will cause you to ponder a complaint in your heart in prayer to confirm it's legitimacy and if the individual is wounded, hurt, or simply concerned. If the pattern in the person is 'divisive', you would be wise to obey Titus 3:10. If you dismiss everyone who complains, you won't have enough laborers to do the work God has called you to do; however, if you don't dismiss the divisive criticizers whose spirit is that of a trouble-maker, you will not have the atmosphere and morale to get the work done!
2. Take it to prayer.
3. Pinpoint their spirit. What manner of spirit are they of? Is it in the right place. Let God talk to you.
4. Show them love.
5. Express gratitude for their concern. Show them the way of prayer and peace as you give a reply to those you feel need a response.
6. Dismiss the divisive complainers.

Refusing Intimidation In Ministry
- Posted: 9:11 AM
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- Author: Jayson Pagan
The disciples felt it when the temple guard stormed the Garden and they scattered into the darkness. The 10 spies were seized by it when they heard the incessant reports of the outsized and exaggerated giants. Ahaz was overwhelmed by it when he looked at the huge army that was preparing to remove him from his throne and the Bible says in Isaiah 7:2 that his heart “shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind” – even though God had personally granted him divine protection.
I must recognize where intimidation comes from. It source tells me how to remedy each.

Be Careful For The Gifts God Has Placed In You
- Posted: 4:43 PM
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- Author: Jayson Pagan
None of us has come to this earth by accident. Not a single soul has been created by God to simply float from one place to the other waiting on life to simply happen. NEVER!
You can find your place in God by doing something I realize I did without realizing what I was doing...
One day I had empty pockets. I would have done anything to have a few bucks, no doubt... and God bless the poor man who had a job for me to who no idea what he was getting himself into!! An elderly gentlemen approaches this 14 year old young man and showed me around his beatiful landscaping. I have never seen such beauty with leaves in all my life. I have no idea how someone can have such a green thumb! - unfortunately this guy was fixing to find out how altogether thumbless I was!
He takes me to a line of bushes and asks if I would please trim them for him. "Do you think you can handle that?", he asked. I thought to myself, "It can't be that difficult it's a few little trees." ... "Sure! I can do it for you..." He handed me the trimmers and went n the house.
I had fun!! I whipped, I wacked... this was easier than I thought!! I cleaned up everything real nice...figuring if barbers get tips shouldn't tree barbers get tipped also? O yeah... I was gonna make me some money!
My new boss steps out onto the front porch with a crisp fifty dollar bill in his hand and a smile on his face. "That looks great!", he said, "Good job!". I grabbed the $50.00 bill, spewed a "Thanks!" and off I went. I was now in the landscaping business - it wouldn't be long and folks would be calling on me to do more fine work!
Until the next day when I got up... I walked outside and looked across the street at the neighbors bushes to awe once again at my artistry. They were dead. Dried up. Drooping. Slouching. Brown. YOU GET THE POINT!! I have never prayed for temporary blindness as I did for my neighbor that day... it wouldn't be a few hours and that $50.00 would be back in his hand for sure!!!
THE LESSON: If you are called to be a painter do not try to be a pilot. You may end up with the nicest painted plane around, but you won't have any paying passengers!!
Naturally I am a leader. I love Spanish culture and language. I love music. I am creative. These things are the heart of my life. God placed these things in me - and He wants me to be confident in the gifts he has given me.
What are your natural abilities and gifts? Have you ever thought about God purposely placing those gifts in you for his kingdom? Do you think that these things are an accident? What an incredible thing to believe with your heart that God has given these talents to you, hand-picked by him, for you to develop them and use them for his glory. He is depending on you!
Sometimes taking those tests on "What is your gift?" doesn't go over so well. Why?...The church culture and people around us choose to shine the spotlight on certain gifts. I have caught myself highlighing gifts and abilities on those test that, quite frankly, are things I WISH I had, but are not things God has placed within me naturally. There is nothing wrong with desiring to develop other areas of your life, but I must begin my development by being a great steward with the natural abilities God has given me.
I really like sports...but everyone who knows me knows within the first dabble in a sports conversation that I couldn't name three football players of the NFL during the last 30 years!! It is not my natural inclination.
You need to accept your proclivities. You will find out certainly that the greatest and most peaceful place for you will be functioning within your gifts and natural abilities. These are God given. Others can be developed later - but be honest now about what your's currently are.
No se enfoque en las abilidades que, de veras, no tiene usted. Si usted trate de ser un piloto cuando usted debe de ser artista - saldrá con el avión más bien pintado del mundo pero sin pasajeros. ¡Sea Artista! No hay mejor lugar en este mundo para usted que el lugar donde se encuentra funcionando y serviendo en el reino de Dios con los dones naturales que Él le ha dado.
You need to write down what your natural abilities are and choose a life of growth. FOCUS!
There will be those in your life who will look at you and think you are a better carpenter than you are a leader. There are those who will determine you are best at hospitality than you are at speaking. THEY ARE NOT YOU. Know yourself - be confident. You cannot focus if you are not confident that you are aiming at the right target. Go for the gold!!
I remember when I first started learning Spanish. I knew I had an aptitude for the language. I remember telling myself I would study an hour every day and would read 20 new words in the dictionary every day.
Not everyone will go after Spanish with such passion; however, if you know it is a gift of God in your life - you owe it to the kingdom to run after it with all of your heart, whatever your gift is.
IF YOU DON'T PLAN TO GROW... YOU WILL NOT GROW. 18 Years later, and I am still studying every day, reading, listening, growing... and I am mastering this language more every day.
If you are going to double, triple, and better yourself - your heart must be set on getting and being better. The wonderful thing is that if God has placed this gift in you, YOU WILL LOVE THE PROCESS. It's not like learning Geometry when you love history... it's like learning history when you love history. It is exciting, challenging, and it is God's will.
MAKE PLANS. Make a schedule. Make a growth plan. Buy books about your gift. Listen to audio books and teachings, seminars and look up every verse in the Bible that surrounds your gift and apply them in your best ability to your life. Pray about your gift. and WATCH THE GROWTH BEGIN TO HAPPEN!
I am amazed at the musical talent in our church. I live next door to the church. At times I will be outside and hear the piano playing and someone who is not even in the church band is inside on the keyboard. I will go over to pray at times and several different people will be on the keyboard playing. It is wonderful to see the people who I used to see focussing on practicing at the church when no one knew about it start showing up as fill-ins and regulars in the church services. IF YOU DON'T PURPOSELY GROW YOURSELF, YOU WILL NOT GROW.
One of the greatest decisions I ever made was surrounding myself with leaders. My pastor is a great leader. I have about 6 others in my life with which I surround myself weekly. I stay in contact with them. They help to grow, they question me, keep me accountable, check my prayer life, push leadership down my throat, challenge me in leadership, and help me to grow. I love the round-table principle. A life of mentors, both above your abilities and below your abilities is a MUST.
If you don't surround yourself with people with your gifts, you will only learn and enrich yourself and not be able to gain from anyone else. You will not grow or become mature in this way.
Find someone who can teach you how to use your gifts...and find someone with lesser maturity in the same gift that you can pour yourself into.
What use is a lightbulb in plain daylight? What value does a hammer have if it sits in a drawer, unused. What difference can a great composer make when he has no orchestra or sheet music? FIND A PLACE WHERE YOUR LIFE CAN COME TO LIFE FOR GOD AND HIS KINGDOM!
If you are an administrator and organizer - find a place that needs organization and offer to give yourself away. Find a pastor that needs help. If you are a musician, find a place where you can serve God and others in leading in worship.
DO NOT WAIT TO BE CALLED ON. How many have lost out...and ended up feeling empty in the kingdom of God because they waited for someone to call on them. FIND A PLACE TO USE YOUR GIFTS !!
DON'T FIND TOO LARGE OF A PLACE... You need to find a place which accomodates your current level of giftedness and gift maturity. You need to ensure that the place you find is not too big for you. Let it be a place where you can grow; however, don't step into shoes so big that you get frustrated over what you are supposed to do. Let the demand be enough to challenge you to grow further, but not so much that you become a frustration to yourself and those around you.
You don't just need knowledge, you need ACTION. If you have a gift you need to know three things TODAY...
1) Where can I use my gift at the current level of giftedness? ... Find that place TODAY!
2) When will I be using my gift? ... Make those plans TODAY!
3) Who do I need to tell about my gift? ... Tell those people TODAY!

Lessons From A Dog's Tail....
- Posted: 9:36 AM
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- Author: Jayson Pagan
Biting winds whistled through the deserted streets of a quaint, northern town. The temperature continued to drop, but that failed to deter one lone man from venturing outside. Heavily bundled he plunged through the sub-zero weather, with the ends of his plaid, woolen neck scarf flapping in the wind. Jake Matthews walked with steady, brisk strides. His hunched shoulders and forward lean gave him the appearance of a man on a mission. Who else would be out on such a fearsome night?
As Jake pressed onward to a destination known only to himself, he spotted a trembling, emaciated dog cowering for shelter behind a telephone pole. Something drew him a step closer. He couldn’t be sure, but it looked like a child had played a cruel prank on the poor dog.
Jake squinted. Sure enough, a tin can was tied to the dog’s tail and the rope was wrapped around the pole several times. In his frantic struggles to get free from the can, he must have run back and forth from pole to tree. All to no avail. Finally, with one last desperate dash in a circle, the animal had sealed his fate. Without a break in the weather, which was unlikely, he would make his last stand entangled around the telephone pole.
What a sorry sight! Jake thought as he stared at the dog. Compassion tugged at his heart. For the moment, he forgot how cold it was. Drawing closer still, he paused and inspected the creature. He’s skinny, all right. Looks miserable. Bald patches in his coat. A stray, no doubt. . .
Jake stooped down, reached out his hand and called to the dog. Suspicious at first, and for good reason, the dog overcame his fears and gradually approached. Inch by slow inch he crept forward, whining with each step. Gently, Jake reached out his hand and stroked the frightened animal, all the while speaking kind words. After removing the string and tin cane from his tail, the man lifted the dog up, opened his overcoat and tucked the bedraggled animal inside for the journey back home.
They arrived at last. As Jake went into the house, he explained to his wife how he found the half-starved little dog on the street. He urged her, “Please, sweetheart, put a blanket in the corner of the kitchen, by the heater where it’s warm. We’ll take care of him, at least for tonight.” He looked down and shook his head, “He would’ve died if I’d left him out in the cold.”
Mary smiled to herself, knowing her husband’s soft heart for strays. One night would never be enough. She returned with a suitable blanket and together they lovingly placed the still-quivering creature upon it. He whimpered softly. They offered a delicious bowl of warm milk and bread, followed by some scraps from the evening meal. The famished dog devoured the feast. For the first time in many months, he wagged his tail (with caution) for the unusual kindness bestowed on him.
The next day, as Jake and Mary awoke to the early morning sunlight, the dog greeted his benefactors with a slightly more enthusiastic wag of his tail. As the couple exchanged a quick glance, they reached a decision. The dog, thought not much to look at in his present state, had found a home.
“What should we name him, dear?” Jake asked. “He must have a name if he’s to be part of the family.” They were both silent for a few moments, then stared at the dog and at each other.
Mary volunteered with a chuckle, “The way he looks…Old Bones might suit him fine.”
“True, he’s not much of a prize right now,” he answered. “You just wait, though! In a month or so he’ll look like he’s got royal blood in him.” He paused and thought a moment. “How about Monarch for a name? Rather regal-sounding, don’t you think? Besides, that’s the name of a butterfly. You know how different they look from the caterpillar that spins a cocoon!”
Monarch he became.
Days and weeks passed since the new addition to the family. Time revealed an incredible metamorphosis taking place in the old dog. His eyes became clearer, his nose grew cool and moist, and his tail wagged vigorously whenever anyone even glanced his way. More remarkable, though, was his coat. The silky, russet-colored fur glistened in the sunlight streaming through the window onto his favorite napping spot. What a change in Monarch! After lots of good food and tender loving care, Jake and Mary could scarcely recognize the fine-looking animal as the same miserable stray of four weeks ago.
Each afternoon about four-thirty, Monarch whined and scratched at the door to go outside. He trotted to the end of the walk, sat by the gate and waited for his master to come home from work. The sound of the family car coming up the street was etched clearly in his memory. As soon as the familiar noise reached his ears, he would begin barking excitedly and thumping his tail with wild abandon. Joy… JOY! Master was home!
Then, when Monarch heard the car door slam shut, he could restrain himself no longer. He ran in circles and bounded about, almost knocking over his beloved Jake as he came through the gate. From that moment on, master and dog remained inseparable for the rest of the evening.
One night after dinner Jake was snoozing in his favorite easy chair with is arm dangling over the arm rest. Monarch lay nearby in utter bliss. Suddenly, Jake awakened to something wet nuzzling his hand. As he leaned over the side of the chair, his gaze met two of the most loving eyes any dog ever had for his master. He nodded and smiled as, over and over, Monarch licked the hand of the one to whom he owed his very life. It was the same hand, in fact, that had reached out to him in far different circumstances.
Above all else, one thing stood out in the scene. It was obvious that Monarch had followed Jake into the room and had lain by his side out of sheer devotion. He didn’t beg for food or whine for attention, but merely expressed gratitude for being able to rest in his master’s presence. Looking up with eyes filled with rapt adoration, and as the best way of expressing the love he felt – licking the hand of his master – Monarch was content. (A story by A.P. Gibbs)
We walk so briskly through life “doing ministry” that we fail to see where to truly “minister”. If you do not desire for your schedule to be interrupted by people who are “tied to the pole”, then ministry is not for you. We need an eye for the hurting and must learn to “make haste slowly” enough to recognize where hurting is present. If you are so focused on YOUR destination how do you expect to get other people to THEIR destination? Isn’t that what leadership is about?
This was not Jake’s first rodeo with one stray. His wife recounted his ‘soft heart for strays’. Jesus had a soft heart for strays as well. He said that the true shepherd leaves the ninety-nine protected sheep to launch a search for the one who has gone astray from the fold. Self-serving ministry, leadership, and churches chase the strays off with brooms and rocks – not us. WE MUST DEVELOP A HEART FOR STRAYS.

You have to switch gears when serving people. You have to slow down…be GENTLE…and be KIND. This is when the fruit of the Spirit is so needful in ministry. People need to feel that genuine gentleness and sincere love and kindness – not the fake kind that sweetens the conversation until they walk away from you. They need the gentleness that comes from a leader who has met God in prayer for them before they meet the person face to face. A Kindness that flows from a heart who is willing to be give back to others from the bounty of goodness that God has given them. The more we take time to remember God’s so awesome mercy and gentleness in our lives, the more readily we will allow the same to flow out of us onto the ones who need it in desperate measures.
You must move to help, but you cannot ‘slam’ healing into someone. You cannot grow a garden overnight. Some things God needs us to handle gently and kindly.
One of the greatest ways of doing this is helping them to leave the cold. Get them into a different environment, physically and spiritually. And then, CONVINCE OTHERS OF THE NEED TO LOVE AND AID THEM. Jake told his wife of the sub-zero rescue in detail – and he rallied her compassion and willingness to sacrifice for the healing of the dog along with him. Others will wonder why you have chosen to open your life to ‘such a wretch’. Do not defend the wretch, but take that person to the pole, pour your heart out and endeavor to rally them to help and sacrifice for the same. In this way you are protecting the wounded. If people will not be rallied, they may have a few ‘strings and tin cans’ tied around their own tail.
I was once confronted by a stray while on a door to door outreach campaign. That dog was incredibly intimidating. It was not afraid to show its teeth-it was territorial and threatened by my close proximity. This is the life of a stray. Always remember, “Hurt people hurt people”. They generally have no idea they are doing it – it is simply the way they were taught by someone’s example or maybe they were abandoned and had to ‘hit the streets’ and fend for themselves.
It is important to understand that this does not go away just because they are delivered from the ‘string and tin cans’. They must have someone to feed them, lead them, love them – and after they learn to trust, they will begin to see that God and you will be faithful. You must teach them how much they can have, how to get more, and bring balance to their diet. If they are not taught, they will maintain the same disposition as a stray, but now they will be in your home. Don’t be surprised if they tip over the trash can on the kitchen floor and bring havoc. It is your responsibility to train them to abandon the ‘devouring nature’.
Jack didn’t go to the store and get dog food and a water bowl. He made it more personal than that. He heated up some milk and took some fresh bread from the cabinet. He showed hospitality to the undesirable guest. When it came time to name the dog others suggested the name “Old Bones”, which was indeed the perfect name based on his current condition. Jack never stopped seeing beyond that ugly dog. When others would have taken the dog to the vet to have him put to sleep, Jack took him home and made a place for him. When others would have fed him water and dog food, Jack ransacked his cupboards. When others wanted to name him “Old Bones”, Jack refused and wanted to name him “Monarch” - A title of royalty. If you are their leader, how you treat people and how you view them is generally the way they will turn out. How many times David’s vagabonds risked their lives, breaking through gates of cities, storming the enemy while devouring their foe one by one – because David acknowledged them as MIGHTY and full of VALOR. If you treat people like dogs don’t be surprised when they come home with fleas. When you treat them like princes, don’t be surprised when they produce loyalty, bravery, courage, and become assets to the kingdom. Good leaders don’t see Old Bones, they see Monarchs.
Misery is turned into overwhelming joy. Clouded eyes are clear again. The physical appearance is renewed. The timid, hunkered down, freezing, fearful, and physically ravaged dog is now alert, mindful, loving, and other remarkable differences are obvious. It takes time and sacrifice to lead someone from ashes to beauty, but it is well worth the price.
There are many leaders, but only one healer. Leaders deserve loyalty if they have nurtured thus far, but God deserves WORSHIP for the power of his amazing love and operation of Calvary. We must show them the cross and the source of our power. Take them to the one who took us to them.
How do you get people to be loyal to you as a leader? This happens automatically to the true godly leader who is leading toward the right things. Loyalty is a natural result of godly leadership, but the sole motive of men who would rather that others follow them than to worship Christ. Lead people to Jesus Christ, and forget about gaining their loyalty…they are one in the same. Show them the power of his presence, relationship with him, and the greatness of his regeneration in their life. If you have lead them to the Jesus I know, they will be sure to be more loyal to you than to any other person on earth. You will have a very strong sense of fulfillment as they ‘run to meet the Master’ every day…

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About Me-
- Jayson Pagan
- Salina, Kansas, United States
- Being raised in a home void of leadership, leading people does not come natural for me. After creating much havoc and chaos, it is my endeavor to share with others the lessons that I have learned along the way. I am a bilingual minister with the UPCI and have spent time pastoring, evangelizing, and have functioned for the last 8 years as the Administrator of a wonderful and growing Church in Southern Illinois. I have also been at the helm of successfully growing a small construction company to become a multi-million dollar industry. Space does not permit all the lessons learned!
THE LEADER'S METTLE is dedicated to every man and woman of God who has a dream of becoming the best leader possible by God's grace.