In leading myself, I learn the hard lessons to lead others. Lord, help me to lead me.
Refusing Intimidation In Ministry
- Posted: 9:11 AM
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- Author: Jayson Pagan
He walks into the room. His very presence is staunch with control. When I walk in leadership roles with almost every other person, I feel at ease… in God’s favor… able to lead and give direction, cast vision. Not with this man. He steps into the room and the ‘vampire chill’ leaves me staring on without words. Anything I say is like swinging my axe in full power and the blade bounces off the stone cold trunk of the tree, never leaving a mark.
The disciples felt it when the temple guard stormed the Garden and they scattered into the darkness. The 10 spies were seized by it when they heard the incessant reports of the outsized and exaggerated giants. Ahaz was overwhelmed by it when he looked at the huge army that was preparing to remove him from his throne and the Bible says in Isaiah 7:2 that his heart “shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind” – even though God had personally granted him divine protection.
I have felt it as I watched others walk in the gifts of the spirit and compared myself to their work. I have felt it when I stepped out in faith while others seemed so secure. I have felt it when others are growing families and I have been declared unable to do so. I have felt it when I made decision with which my mentors did not agree. I have felt it as men of my own age appear to be so far advanced on the surface in their ministry than I.
Intimidation has made me feel inadequate, insecure, disheartened, unsuccessful, full of failure, useless, and powerless. Am I incompetent and unlearned. Am I wasting my time and is my personal work actually irrelevant and small? AND INTIMIDATION IS VERY PERSUASIVE… It argues loudly without ever raising its voice. It echoes in the soul and zaps the passion you have for which you live from your very heart. It leaves you weak and wringing your hands. It leaves me questioning whether I have anything to offer this world, in reality…am I fooling myself and others?
I must recognize where intimidation comes from. It source tells me how to remedy each.
Intimidation from ME: Often, intimidation causes insecurity – but not the intimidation that comes from me. If I am simply intimidated as a result of what I see or feel, then it is actually the insecurities in me which cause me to feel intimidated, not the other way around. I have felt this type of intimidation from within when I have seen others successful in areas where I am weak, when others make suggestions against my made up mind, or when I others see an error or lack that I have and bring it to my attention without meaning me any harm. I also felt this intimidation when others' appearance is more trim, fit, in style than mine. What about the better salaried people with the nicer home? Women can battle this type of intimidation when they meet up with other women who, in their estimation, are prettier or have better physique. The other woman is probably thinking the same thing! I must recognize that I am human, imperfect, and that I will always have lacks in my life. I must recognize that I am the way God made me - in me there is no lack. If I am delighting myself in the Lord, then my feet are led of Him, I am chosen, in His perfect will, and I have no reason to feel insecurities even if I have lacks. God chose Moses and he was a stutterer – an anointed stutterer used of the Almighty!
Intimidation from OTHERS: Oftentimes others have a personality, disagreement with me, or are of such an opinionated mindset and arrogant spirit that they bring a pressure to the relationship. The motive is generally to cause you to see their power or position and is driven by a sense of having to have control. The ministry must be careful not to walk in this spirit themselves. I have felt this type of intimidation from people in positions who are not spiritually mind and would like to wield their power or control, when a mentor or leader insists that I do exactly as they say without personal reasoning, or when people with whom I have relationships try to use their close proximity to me to manipulate my decisions. Many pushers of secular leadership teach principles of driving, manipulating, and intimidating as acceptable forms of leadership.
Intimidation from THE ENEMY: The enemy can use people, circumstances, and positions to intimidate. This intimidation comes from Satanic desire to halt, impede, and hinder the will of God and the work of the Spirit. Often people who are intimidating as mentioned above can also carry Satanic intimidation. These two intimidations teamed together can create an almost overwhelming and disheartening situation. This is the intimidation that Jezebel carried – it was bold, manipulative, demanding, controlling, and beleaguered the mind of the man of God until he desired to take his own life.
Regardless of the source of intimidation there is only one way to deal with it. Intimidation comes from the words “in timidity”. It is a lack of boldness and confidence and fearless assurance.
Remind Yourself That It All Goes Beyond Your Flesh. No question about it. The battles you are facing, even if their source is in your flesh, the answer is always a spiritual one. The weapons you fight with as a new creature in Christ are not carnal ones. Do not endeavor to intimidate in return, do not try to overshadow those who try to intimidate you, do not try to lead them out of intimidating you, do not grow arrogant or fierce with them, do not take up your own “power” or position to fight back. If the arm of your flesh is found, then the arm of the Lord is bound. David knew he must guard his attitude and reaction toward King Saul. Intimidation must be dealt with spiritually.
If you try to battle intimidation, regardless of the source, you will find yourself endeavoring to become an expert in secular leadership, politics, business, and force. These are carnal methods of battling intimidation – to become a bigger giant than the one that overshadows you. Be careful that you do not become of the same spirit as the intimidator – in that you will find your ruin. Paul said he would know nothing else be “Jesus Christ and him crucified”. The Word of God, the gospel, the work of the Kingdom IS ALL YOU NEED. Become an expert in the love of God, the work of the Spirit, the principles of the Kingdom of God, in giving, and in serving – become an expert in spiritual disciplines. I have found that if I try to fight the intimidator by becoming bigger than he is then I will have to walk in the flesh - In doing so I will produce the works of the flesh – strife, envying, and every evil work. I will walk in the spirit of competition and I am more interested in the people I know, the social networking I have, how I appear before men instead of before God…and I will devise all types of things to cause myself to not be less or weaker than anyone else. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. THE ONLY ONE WHO IS NEVER WEAKER THAN ANYONE ELSE IS JESUS CHRIST – That’s why I must walk in the Spirit and not fight intimidators in my flesh.
Spend Time in Daily Prayer and Weekly Fasting. Time in the presence of the ALMIGHTY will help you to see that even though you are weak and powerless – the ever increasing power of God in your life is NOT. You need daily prayer to help you notice your weaknesses, not only so that you can endeavor to strengthen yourself in HIM, but more importantly, to RECOGNIZE YOUR NEED FOR DEPENDENCE ON HIM. You will never be good enough to cover every area of possible intimidation. You will always have lack. YOUR GOD NEVER WILL. Praying for your lack, praying for your enemies, and praying for divine intervention in satanic intimidation will put your mind in the right place – to have faith in the Omnipotent and UN-intimidatable God. When I am praying and fasting I have confidence to walk in the Spirit of the unstoppable God of my strength. When I am not connected in this way I find myself self-reliant, insecure, timid, and running away from satanic intimidation like the feet of the great prophet from Jezebel. THE DEEPER ISSUE IS NOT WHO I AM BUT WHO GOD IS – I must have an assurance of His working in my life. My relationship with Him is the greatest wrecking ball to the gates of hell.
Magnify The Lord. Speak of the good things of God every chance you get. Lift him up before the people. Show others how mighty his hand is. Show them his mercy and draw a picture in their minds, via your words, of how mighty the fortress of the Lord is. Confess your SMALLNESS in comparison to his GREATNESS. Let his MAGNITUDE construct your HUMILITY.
Refuse to Be Intimidated. It can also be summed up by saying HAVE FAITH IN GOD. What you listen to goes in your mind and eventually forms your thoughts. DO NOT LISTEN TO INTIMIDATION. Surround yourself with humble people of God. Choose the company of true saints and leaders. Rid your life of intimidating people. Refuse to settle for political circles and expectations of man. WALK WITH GOD and only be intimidated by HIS SPIRIT. In that I do not mean negatively condemned or beaten down – I simply mean recognize that HE IS ALL IN ALL…and I am very, very small. I must deliberately keep this temple away from people, places, and events that minimize God and maximize man. Isaiah spoke words of reassurance to Judah which was the key of defying intimidation from their enemy when he said in Isaiah 8:11-13, “The Lord spoke thus to me with His strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying, “Do not call conspiracy all that this people call conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. But the Lord of hosts, his shall you regard as holy; let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.”
If we place God where he should be, above all powers, peoples, positions, gifts, abilities, successes, leaders, kings, and thrones…and we submit to his vast and awe-inspiring majesty – we will not be embraced for even a moment by intimidation. WALK WITH GOD!
i n t i m i d a t i o n....
1) I don't have to hear from God to know that I have been called into the life of others to help them see their worth in God's eyes. The very call of God in my life to lead and the steps that I have are ordered of the Lord. It is the perfect will of God for me to encourage and exhort others to be un-intimidated - and I must believe it is one of the reasons I have been called.
2) Empower them. Help them to see that God has called them just the way they are.
3) Direct them toward God. Who doesn't have failures, blemishes, weaknesses? These are no reason to be intimidated - but they are a reason to be dependent upon God.
4) Notice their abilities and help to place them in the body for ministry. Recognize their talents. Give them credit and help them to see what they can do for the Kingdom of God if they will be dependent upon God to annoint their skills.
5) Teach them to pray, walk in the Spirit, and disciple them to follow Christ - not man.

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About Me-
- Jayson Pagan
- Salina, Kansas, United States
- Being raised in a home void of leadership, leading people does not come natural for me. After creating much havoc and chaos, it is my endeavor to share with others the lessons that I have learned along the way. I am a bilingual minister with the UPCI and have spent time pastoring, evangelizing, and have functioned for the last 8 years as the Administrator of a wonderful and growing Church in Southern Illinois. I have also been at the helm of successfully growing a small construction company to become a multi-million dollar industry. Space does not permit all the lessons learned!
THE LEADER'S METTLE is dedicated to every man and woman of God who has a dream of becoming the best leader possible by God's grace.