Getting Nowhere By Accident...
- Posted: 1:03 PM
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- Author: Jayson Pagan
I was running down the dim hallway of the house... faster than a bullet. The pounding of my feet could be heard throughout the house. And then it happened...I had my eyes glued on the corner I was about to turn when I lost my foothold and began to stumble. I slammed into the wall to my left. I had no idea what was about to happen - I was headed for a nail protruding from the wall where a picture once hung. I slammed into the wall, the nail plunged about 1/4" into my arm and ripped through my skin several inches before I could stop.
The meat in my forearm was bulging from the open gash. It turns my stomach even as a I type.
My mother was the first responder - never afraid to tackle anything after having 7 children. She pours alcohol on the open gash while screaming at the same time, "How did you do this? What happened?" I cried my reply, "I was running...and... IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" In her stern voice she snapped back, "ACCIDENTS CAN BE AVOIDED!" (Can I get a little sympathy here??? Hello!!!?? My arm is practically hanging off and all you can say is, "Accidents can be avoided!" while pouring acid on my wound!!)
That was 25 years ago... and Mom was right. ACCIDENTS CAN BE AVOIDED.
If leaders don't look where they are going they are apt to build up so much speed getting there they ignore the dangers that come with leadership. If they lose their foothold, the only thing left behind will be a bloody mess of carnage and tears.
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GIVE OF YOURSELF BY ACCIDENT - but a good leader must value others and give of themselves. You will have to do this on purpose. Pay attention!
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE ACCOUNTABLE BY ACCIDENT - but a good leader must be accountable. You will have to find a good leader/mentor to whom you will purposefully submit and be transparent about your thought life, motives, desires, passions, hurts, etc. No one is going to ask you these personal things - you had best be purposeful about divulging such information to a trusting leader.
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LOVE PEOPLE BY ACCIDENT - but a good leader loves with the love of Jesus Christ. You must decide today how you will value all humanity and not be swayed by circumstantial variables.
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO WALK IN THE SUPERNATURAL BY ACCIDENT - but a good leader must always be connected with the mind of God. You must schedule your priorities in such a way that they are God-centric. You will not be annointed "by accident"! It requires discipline, time in the presence of God, and commitment to grow nearer to the Almighty. If you sideline this principle you will find yourself trying to "fake" the annointing... but I must say the place you need the annointing the most is not behind the pulpit or when leading a team. You need it when you are in a valley, confronted with a temptation, or wounded by someone... and it will not show up "by accident". True leaders are obsessed with getting Jesus Christ and His presence involved in everything they do - generally as the starting point.
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO EQUIP OTHER LEADERS BY ACCIDENT - but a good leader knows his leadership is lifeless if he does not multiply himself and empower those he leads. You must look at your people, individually, and study their talents and gifts so you know how to get them where God is sending them as well. That takes time and purposeful energy.
How many men have fallen into pornography addiction or extra-marital affair "by accident"?
How many leaders have hurt the people God sent them "by accident"?
How many have gotten 'burned out' on a dead-end street "by accident"?
How many men have lead churches into utter failure "by accident"?
How many leaders do not exist today because they were never equipped or believe in "by accident"?
Almost everything that happens "by accident" is chaotic, unplanned for, and distracting from true purpose. The very word "accident" implies a collision of two contrary forces resulting in mounting negativity.
If you are leading and think that things are just going to 'happen' and 'fall into place'... you may need to re-think some things. You cannot take a puzzle from a box, toss the pieces on the floor, and expect them to produce 'connectivity' by chance.
Start doing some things "on purpose". Pick some of those puzzle pieces up today - you will be thankful you did, and the people you lead will suddenly see that the picture is coming together via your leadership.
What are you not paying close enough attention to that could quite possibly turn into an 'accident'?
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About Me-
- Jayson Pagan
- Salina, Kansas, United States
- Being raised in a home void of leadership, leading people does not come natural for me. After creating much havoc and chaos, it is my endeavor to share with others the lessons that I have learned along the way. I am a bilingual minister with the UPCI and have spent time pastoring, evangelizing, and have functioned for the last 8 years as the Administrator of a wonderful and growing Church in Southern Illinois. I have also been at the helm of successfully growing a small construction company to become a multi-million dollar industry. Space does not permit all the lessons learned!
THE LEADER'S METTLE is dedicated to every man and woman of God who has a dream of becoming the best leader possible by God's grace.