In leading myself, I learn the hard lessons to lead others. Lord, help me to lead me.

The Beast or The Prince?

  • Posted: 1:51 PM
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  • Author: Jayson Pagan


One moment he is KING. Truly savage and baring his teeth to protect his kingdom. He lunges with his claws and releases a roar that sends chills to the bone and curdles the blood. In short order darkened eyes turn tender and he becomes approachable, kind, generous, and wholeheartedly open to the world. His gentleness and meekness is almost unbelievable.
beauty and the beast Pictures, Images and Photosbeauty! Pictures, Images and Photos
These are the two sides to every leader, without exception. I must confess today that my heart is human, but my calling is from heaven – all leaders struggle to ensure the BEAST in us does not rule but that we allow the PRINCE locked away in our hearts to arise and be the honorable leader God has created in us.

Believe it or not, King Herod was known by the magistrates of his day to be the one who kept the peace. He was a magnificent architect and builder. He constructed a winter palace in Jericho and a palace so beautiful in Arabia that it astonished the premiere architects of the hour. He had no problem fighting for his people. He would take a stand and refuse to allow those he lead to be captured, mistreated, or treated as a lower creation.

He was a fabulous leader – UNTIL…

UNTIL his position was personally questioned…then he murdered his wife, Mariamne.

UNTIL he heard how others believed in his sons to be great rulers… then he had three of his most successful sons assassinated.

UNTIL he heard a new ‘king’ was born in Bethlehem… then he unleashed a mass murder upon the newborn males in Judea.

UNTIL he was more interested in his own pleasure than the good of the people… then he allowed foolishness to take the head of the forerunner of Jesus Christ.


There were differences between what the Spirit of Herod would allow and what the Spirit of Christ would allow – and we have the Spirit of Christ!

HEROD’S SPIRIT focused on production, results, and using people as the stones on which he built his kingdom.
CHRIST’S SPIRIT focused on building men. His focus relationships, developing others, and becoming the stone on which other’s could be built.

HEROD’S SPIRIT began naming palaces, landmarks, and mountains after himself to promote his power and fame.
CHRIST’S SPIRIT thought not on earthly gain and used the power of his name to benefit other’s, not himself.
Lead Like Jesus Pictures, Images and Photos
HEROD’S SPIRIT was threatened, insanely jealous, full of selfish ambition and self-protection at any cost.
CHRIST’S SPIRIT was secure and confident, recognizing that authority began with God, and was willing to protect and shield others, regardless of the personal price he would have to pay.

HEROD’S SPIRIT took life from the earth and wounded those closest to him.
CHRIST’S SPIRIT gave life to the earth and aggressively sought out the broken hearted to bind up their wounds.

HEROD’S SPIRIT created a kingdom that after Herod’s death, was divided, went to ruins, and crumbled.
CHRIST’S SPIRIT built a kingdom that became eternal, united, and still thrives in our generation.

There is a Herod in us all…

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It is constantly trying to become king of the mountain…
It longs to rule, feels threatened by others, wants to build for himself, and is passionate about getting his way even at the expense of others.
He refuses to become a servant to anyone. He thinks power and influence is gained by ‘knowing it all’. He feels people are disposable and leaves a path of fractured relationships wherever he shows up. He will spend people, not himself. He will fulfill his needs, not the needs of others. His only influences are power, fear, and position. His monuments are things, not people.

There is a Christ within us all…
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He sees the chosen ones as those he serves. He exists to serve not to be served. He understand leading is not godly unless serving is it’s central focus. He sees no one as they are- but he seeks a way for the power within him to build the people he encounters. He looks beyond the present weaknesses and faults and seeks a way to ensure they are not permanent. He keeps his eye on no earthly gain but remains thoroughly fixed on the heart of his mission – God and people. He gives his love, his life, his breathe – and chooses Calvary over self. He will die so others can live. He hurts for the hurting and is burdened for those yoked by the hardness of sin and life. He seeks to promote others and to protect them. He covers sin with his love. He spends himself instead of others. He does not see people as a way to complete what he wants to accomplish, but he sees them as the reason he has been sent. People are his monuments. He gives power and strangles fear. Even with his obvious power, he lives to sacrifice.

Will Herod live in you or shall Christ live in you?

It would be nice if it was simply a matter of choice, but I must understand…. The Spirit of Herod tried to murder that newborn baby king in Judea, and the spirit of Herod in me stills tries to do the same…

How do I keep the Spirit of Christ in control of my leadership?

Joseph and Mary had to steal away to a place beyond Herod’s reach….and there they found protection for the baby to grow…

If you want the Spirit of Christ to grow in you and remain in control of your leadership, you will have to steal away beyond Herod’s reach…

The most valuable thing you can do as a leader is to ensure you daily find a place in the presence of God and in His Word…a place beyond the reach of Herod.
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And Herod will not reign… but the Prince of Peace. That’s the kind of leadership that changes the world!

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